成人化的玩具趋势:不输于儿童市场的目标客户【      收藏】

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美国 新泽西 / 2019-05-23

Adulting Trend – Funko!
The busiest booth at Toy Fair was by far Funko’s booth. A large and over-the-top presence, Funko has quite the fan base that is growing every year. Funko knows and makes the trends. Funko’s motto is, “Everyone is a fan of something” and boy do they deliver in the way of variety and hitting the right note to satiate their fan base. Funko does not allow one retailer to make up more than 10% of their business and often provides retailers with exclusive collectibles which drives up demand and sales. Founded in 1998, Funko has expanded to PEZ Candy, clothing, backpacks and plush. 
纽约国际玩具展上最忙碌的展厅是Funko的展位。庞大而又夸张的存在,Funko拥有庞大的粉丝群,并且逐年增长。Funko了解并且引领趋势。Funko的信条是“每个人都是某种东西的粉丝”,他们以各种方式传递并击中正确的音符,充实他们在男孩中的粉丝基础。Funko不允许任一家零售商的业务占其业务的10%以上,而且通常会向零售商提供独家收藏品,从而推动需求和销售。成立于1998年,Funko扩展为PEZ Candy玩具、服装、背包和毛绒玩具。

Adulting Trend – Hot Trend
Toys are not just for children anymore – There was a definite ‘Adulting’ trend at Toy Fair. Ranging from complex 3D puzzles to coloring (a trend that has been around a while) and the ever expanding Pop Figures, adults are more than ever buying for themselves and not just for their kids anymore.

Adulting Trend – Hot Trend
Adults are now flooding the toy market with purchases for themselves. Buying POP figures for shows like Stranger Things or collecting the latest Funko sports teams, there is an almost cult like following that was once only found in the adolescents.  Today, adults are unapologetically buying a piece of their childhood or buying something that is pop culture, this trend is growing and growing.
成年人涌入玩具市场,为他们自己购买玩具。购买《怪奇物语》之类电视秀的流行人物模型,或是收藏最新的Funko 运动系列,这些是曾经只能在青少年中找到的,近乎狂热的追随者。现在,成年人并不会为购买童年的产品或是流行文化衍生品而愧疚,这一趋势不断上升。

Adulting Trend – Hot Trend
There is a new term for the Toys 4 Adult trend, Kidult. It refers to toys that were actually intended for children but are now enthusiastically purchased by adults. Adults have larger budgets than children and are willing to buy rare or special items.




